Chapter 7 - Teacher Tools
Gradebooks, Lesson Plans, and Newsletters

Gradebooks and lesson plans can be done easily using a spread sheet like Excel.

Here are two different styles of lesson plans.

Lesson Plans Style 1

Lesson Plans Style 2

Keeping grades on a computer spread sheet sounds hard. It isn't.

Here is a sample grade book you can use if you have Excel on your computer. In this grade book, you need only input the students' names on the first page. They are automatically copied onto the other pages.

Sample Grade Book

Using a computer generated newsletter can save a lot of time.

Here is a powerpoint slide show about computer newsletters:

Powerpoint Newsletters

Disclaimer ---

This site was created by Diane Brown and Michelle Madden to fulfill requirements for an Oklahoma State University graduate class. This site is not considered to be child-safe because some of the sites referenced within this site link to the world wide web. This site was last updated March 17, 2003

This page last updated April 24, 2003