Chapter 9 - Handheld Technologies

Handheld technologies include products made by Palm (Palm Pilot), Handspring (Visor, Edge, etc.), and many other companies.

Handheld technologies are frequently used to organize dates (the soccer mom function) and to schedule business meetings

But these technologies are more than just ways to keep track of schedules. A variety of tools are available for Palm type devices that are applicable for teachers and students.

Three examples of such programs are highlighted below

This first application, 4T School is good for students to keep track of assignments in every class. You can preview a copy here .

Secondly, teachers and students find Handycards to be helpful to review facts in any subject. You can find it here

Finally, students have a blast using Sketchy to make animations. These animations can be used to retell a folktale or to diagram a concept, such as why there are seasons, or how a volcano erupts. Look for Sketchy

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This site was created by Diane Brown and Michelle Madden to fulfill requirements for an Oklahoma State University graduate class. This site is not considered to be child-safe because some of the sites referenced within this site link to the world wide web.

This page last updated April 24, 2003